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Improving Treatment Outcomes & Patient Expectations in Spine Surgery

Program | Friday, September 05th

08.00 - 08.30

Check-in, Welcome Coffee & Exhibition

08.30 - 08.35


PD Dr. med. Cordula Netzer MBA (President)
PD Dr. med. Pietro Scarone (Local Host)

08.35 - 10.05

Pre-habilitation and Preparation of the Patient

10.05 - 10.35

Coffee Break & Exhibition

10.35 - 11.35

Free Communications II

11.35 - 12.35

SGS General Assembly

12.35 - 13.35

Lunch Symposium
Lunch Break & Exhibition

13.35 - 14.05

From Earth to Heaven:
A Quest for Equilibrium between Philosophy and Art

Prof. Alessandro Tosi
(University of Pisa, Director of the Museo della Grafica)

14.20 - 15.35

AO Spine Joint Session on Intradural Lesons

15.35 - 16.05

Coffee Break & Exhibition

16.05 - 17.20

EuroSpine Joint Session
Prevention of Iatrogenic Deformity in Short Lumbar Fusions

17.20 - 17.25

Scientific Awards

17.25 - 17.30

Closing Remarks & Farewell